Weird Fact

Try to read the following text:

A steciniifc rcesearh pvoerd taht the haumn biarn can ietnfdiy a wrod eevn if the ltetres of taht wrod are rreraagned rdaonlmy ecxpet for the fsirt and the lsat oens. Neamly the fisrt and lsat lteetr of the wrod msut be in the ccorert pcale and the rset can be peacld in dnieffret peacls idnise the wrod. Tihs hnpapes bscuaee wehn the hmaun bairn rdaes a wrod, it ienfitdeis it by its frsit and lsat lteetr. If it is ture, tehn you had no pobrelm rndeiag tihs txet.

A scientific research proved that the human brain can identify a word even if the letters of that word are rearranged randomly except for the first and the last ones. Namely the first and last letter of the word must be in the correct place and the rest can be placed in different places inside the word. This happens because when the human brain reads a word, it identifies it by its first and last letter. If it is true, then you had no problem reading this text.

Now try to read the following text:

Shti erhpas soed otn lfowol eht ebova eulr agknim ti uifitfdcl ot erda. - This phrase does not follow the above rule making it difficult to read.